Viscosimetro Mooney


  • Designed in accordance with ASTM D1676 & ISO289 standards.
  • Main Functions:
    • Mooney Viscosity Test: A determination of the viscosity of raw rubber or compounded rubber.
    • Stress Relaxation Test: A determination of stress relaxation of a rubber.
    • Pre-Vulcanization Test: A determination of the features of compounded rubber during the early stage of vulcanization.
  • Power Law Decay Model
  • Provide varies quality control function to check the test results of mooney value and scorch time; more than 18 points of time relating to mooney value setting enable the user to control the quality of mooney value at any time of test curve.
  • SPC software can draw and analyze the test results of mooney values and scorch times such as X-MR, X-R, histogram and normal distribution.

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